Friday, January 06, 2006

Un peu de la poitique!

« Petits fours » race !

At the beginning of each New Year, the tradition is the Season’s Greetings on behalf of important people in the town. The Major of Bourges, the President of the “Conseil Général” and the Prefect invite certain people in different places and offer their wishes for the coming year. It is a place where one must be seen... Though they wish the best for everybody, their topics are of another matter. They have “something else behind the head” (French translation; ulterior motive in English). They speak politics! What they did best in the previous year, what they will have to do in the next year and so on… They make promises (for our well-being)… Promises are always free in France and only commit the people who are listening! Their real purpose is to flatter people and so to try and attract people to vote for them in the next election…
People attending the show listen to them piously and wait motionless until the end of the speech to hurry to… the buffet so as to drink wine… and eat “petits fours”. It is a real scrum because there is a big crowd present, the space is lacking, the buffet often too small….It is difficult to meet people and conversations are difficult and often trivial in this hubbub.
For the most, at the end people leave happy!!

It is just my opinion (but I am disrespectful).

No Claude I disagree, you are just being truthful .

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