Thursday, June 08, 2006

Kent loses its Garden of England title to North Yorkshire

It's official!!!

Something that I have known all of my life!

North yorkshire is the '.Garden of England'

If , like me you have lived nearly all of your life in North Yorkshire, it's obvious!

Have a look at the following article.

North Yorkshire

Daily Telegraph

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

If you pass through Sancerre this summer…

For the past six years, a music festival has taken place in Sancerre, where you can come and listen to classical music. The invited artists are very talented and often very-well known in France or abroad. They come from France or other countries and, this year, for example we have invited a Russian, two Americans and a Dutchwoman. Concerts generally take place in the church or sometimes outside if the weather is mild enough. Unfortunately, Sancerre doesn’t have an Auditorium to accommodate this kind of event (not yet….). The price of seats is very cheap, cheaper than the same concerts in France (around ten Euros and free for young people).
Well then, if you like music, come and find out for yourselves.

Claude, one of the Festival organisers.

Orchestre à cordes de La Garde Républicaine
Direction : Sébastien Billard
Orgue : François-Henri Houbart
Concerti pour orgue de C.P.E Bach - G.F.Haendel
Œuvres de Mozart, Britten, Respighi.

Samedi 8 juillet à 16h
Eglise Notre Dame de Sancerre

Feeling Brass Quintet: R.Leleu L.Sonrel S.Tuytten N.Moutier F.Marillier
Bach, Caccini, Joplin, Haendel…

Dimanche 30 juillet 2006 à 17h
Eglise Notre Dame de Sancerre

Récital de Piano Sergueï Markarov Artiste de l’Unesco pour la Paix
Haydn, Beethoven Schumann, Listz.

Dimanche 6 Août 2006 à 16h30
Eglise Notre Dame de Sancerre

L’Ensemble Zéphir: D.Riegel L.Presti L.Boutet L.Ramon T. deRitis R.Ward F.Bou
Fauré, de Ritis, Schubert, Brahms, de Falla, Rossini.…

Dimanche 13 août 2006 à 17 H
Eglise Notre Dame de Sancerre