Monday, February 27, 2006

Mon Grand-père m’a dit

« Le monde te montera le visage de ses enfants,
le monde des adultes sera le profondeur de la tristesse,
le monde oublie et vieillit sans sagesse,
Mon Grand-père m’a dit,…

La nature perdra son souffle et sa beauté,
La nature perdra ses animaux et ses oiseaux,
Mon cœur sera une source d’eau aux larmes du chagrin,
Grand-père m’a dit,….

Le silence de la nature n’existera plus,
La sirène de mon village n’apparaîtra plus,
Les sinceres ne seront plus ecoutes,
Grand-pere m’a dit,

Mon cœur sera blessé,
Mon génie sera ignoré,
Ma bonté sera écrasée

Grand-père m’a dit,…. »

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Bonjour. Si vous souhaitez écouter ce texte cliquez sur le lien:


Bonjour Cafe Pierre ! Bonjour Sylvia. Bonjour Claude.

Vous nous connaissez par les articles écrits du blog, aujourd’hui vous allez entendre notre voix sur ce premier Podcast en direct de Bourges.
Nous allons vous parler d’un sujet d’actualité qui fait de nous la risée du monde entier …. Le Clémenceau.
Vous avez certainement entendu parler de l’horrible bête ! Qui hante les mers et océans du globe ! Il aurait pu faire le bonheur de milliers de travailleurs indiens si une réglementation européenne et internationale n’en avait pas décidé autrement et si Greenpeace et les « Verts » ne s’en étaient pas mêlés.
Quel est donc le problème ? L’AMIANTE. … que l’on retrouve sur beaucoup de toits de maisons de particuliers en France, dans de nombreux bâtiments publics, usines etc. mais on vous dira « ce n’est pas un problème ! » Les effets de l’amiante sont connus depuis les années 50 et l’on se réveille 50 ans après… Nos politiciens nous ont-ils caché quelque chose ? Sommes-nous en danger, Claude ?
Dans certains cas OUI. Pour en revenir à notre bateau oui c’est dangereux car en le « désamiantant » on crée de la poussière d’amiante qui elle est cancérigène.

Voyons plus précisément la croisière du Clémenceau, et ce n’est peut-être pas la « Dère des dères » !
Première étape sous le soleil d’Espagne car après tout il est plus agréable de se déshabiller au soleil même pour un porte-avion habillé d’amiante, mais les espagnols qui tiennent à leurs plages avaient en fait sous-traité le déshabillage aux Turcs...
Mais il n’a pas vu les côtes espagnoles ni les côtes Turcs à cause des « Verts » et de l’Europe. Retour en France : Toulon pour un léger déshabillage.
Puis départ pour la grande aventure en Inde avec passage difficile et coûteux par le canal de Suez ! Après action de Greenpeace et des « Verts » et juste avant le voyage de notre Président Chirac en Inde la décision de retour a été prise pour accoster près des côtes anglaises à Brest ! Qui ne veut pas du bébé pour des raisons écologiques.
Quel sera le prochain épisode ? Peut-être pourrait-on le vendre à une société anglaise qui a déjà acquis 4 navires de guerre américains hors d’usage ?

Nous aussi à Bourges nous avons un problème Clémenceau qu’il nous faudrait traiter avant 50 ans…
Ce n’est pas un navire en perdition mais un lieu de perdition, une boîte de nuit, une discothèque plus ou moins bien fréquentée.
Le bâtiment étant une ancienne imprimerie il y renferme très certainement dans ses plafonds de l’AMIANTE ! et ceci sans parler des fumées de tabacs et autres produits NATURELS …
Notre Clémenceau ne partira pas en croisière pour se purifier. Nous serons obligés de le traiter nous-mêmes par nos propres moyens.
Nous avons parlé du Clémenceau et non de Clémenceau, homme politique français surnommé le Tigre qui négocia le Traité de Versailles et déclara en 1918 à propos de la Première Guerre Mondiale « C’est la Dère des Dères ! » Visionnaire monsieur Clémenceau.

Dère : contraction de dernière ce devait être la dernière guerre mondiale !!
Désamiantage : nouveau mot de la langue française signifiant « enlever l’amiante ».

Merci à tous, ce n’est pas la dère des dères !

Monday, February 20, 2006

Response to Claude's article

How many times have we seen this abroad?
If the 'natives' don't speak English, what do we do?

We shout! Well, I'm saying we, but I am embarressed to say that there are a hell of a lot of Brits who do just that.

I want to go to Spain this year, as I have been trying to learn a little Spanish. But I am afraid that when I get there it will be the usual;
Noisy bars full of drunken Brits, expecting everybody to understand their language, with very little respect for anybody or anything! And the worst thing for me is the ignorance when expecting 'English food', well roughly described as English, Burgers, chips and fried rubbish.

They don't know what they are missing , they should join our language classes!!!!!




I spent a week in a skiing resort (Courchevel) in the Alps which consists of four levels of villages (altitude: 1300 m, 1550m, 1650m, 1850m). The landscape is marvellous but the price of everything is in relation to the altitude!
I arrived in Courchevel 1650 in a flat in a big chalet. On the shelves, I found a lot of books in… English. It was normal the owner is an Englishman. The equipment often comes from England too!
The next day, I went to a crowded shop to rent some skiing equipment: surprise! everybody was speaking English (manager, assistants and customers). I was the only French person! The manager came and spoke to me in… French (whew!).
After that, I went to the ski runs. There were groups of people with French instructors: everybody speaking in… English. But where was I? : on the other side of the channel…
No, the signs are also in French!
At the end of the afternoon, I went shopping where people were speaking mainly in English including the shop assistants (or at least trying to) and passed by a few pubs: English people were numerous and the beer was flowing (coulait à flot in French). People were speaking noisily and drinking out of large glasses (one litre maybe). I didn’t see the exit from the pub of these people but their trajectory would have to be a slalom…(normal in the mountains!). I am not against pubs but I drank at home as it is more prudent than walking in the snowed-up streets.
I learned that there is a big problem between French instructors and English instructors managing a group of English people. They don’t have the same level of training (not at all the same diploma) or the same knowledge of the mountains. You can be sure the real problem is a problem of… money!
Courchevel 1850 is another, more cosmopolitan planet: Russian, Japanese, Chinese, French and… English people of course. It is a posh place where you can find great hotels, marvellous chalets, luxury goods shops, art exhibitions. You can attend concerts, ice skating shows and so on.
It is the place where you have to be seen and I saw more “Ladies” wearing mink coats and men in superb 4X4 cars (Porsh, Merc., BMW, Range Rover…) per ‘square metre’! Here it is not beer which is flowing…but money!
At this period of the year, around 70% of the people Courchevel 1650 welcomes are English. Fortunately for the trade!


Thursday, February 16, 2006

A popular French joke

You, English folks, you had the whale in the Thames river in January. We, French, we have a very popular joke : "The sardine obstructing the seaport of Marseille".

English 1B

If you want to know more about this story, because it was a true story that happened in the 18th century follow the link below.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Tour de France 2007
Click the link above to listen to Gordon.
Click on the link above to comment on the podcast

The Tour de France 2007

Imagine my delight to read in the French press that London has been chosen to host the start of the Tour de France in July 2007. The prologue* will be contested on 7 July with the race making its real start the following day. The route of the stage isn’t yet known but the riders will make they way in front of Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square and the Houses of Parliament at Westminster.

I am a keen cyclist and I have followed the Tour since I was a lad. There have in fact been two visits to England, in 1974 (returning by ferry) then in 1994 using the newly constructed channel tunnel. A British cyclist, David Millar – a Scot, will have a good chance to win the prologue and the yellow jersey – I hope!

Long live the centenary of the Entente cordial between France and the UK. Is it possible for a Frenchman to win the Tour this year? – Sadly I think NOT.

The prologue* is a short stage against the clock.

Gordon Bailey
French 5
6 February 2006

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Journey South

Here is another Podcast to try. Helen from our French 5 class will tell you, 'in English' about , Journey South'.

Also, Peter tells you about his possible journey south.

Link below.

Our town in the spotlight

The town of Middlesbrough and its surrounding area has a lot to be proud of but it is not particularly well known throughout Britain. Therefore, when the opportunity arises to “sing our own praise”, we make sure that we do!
Two brothers from our town recently entered a national talent show in a bid to become pop stars. The competition took place over many weeks and they had to endure plenty of criticism as well as praise from the judges. The whole town seemed to get behind them. Even if you didn’t watch the show you couldn’t escape their progress because everyone was talking about it! Children discussed it at school, there were posters in local shops and the radio station was interviewing their parents on a weekly basis!
Unfortunately, they didn’t win the show. However, they have still been given a recording contract – so, listen out for the name “Journey South” and remember where they come from!

Helen French 5